A Night at the Races


We are off to the races, and we have toured the best race courses in England to bring you the best races.


Our steward will organize the betting and taking of monies, giving out  betting slips for the 3 different types of betting taking place.. The  mess members decide where we are going racing could be Chester,  Chepstow, Ascot or Sandown Park.


The race picked is placed into the DVD player and the names of the horses  and their form is shown on the large televisions that we place around  the venue. This enables  the punters to view their horse, we parade them and as they go into the stalls we stop the DVD. Its time to place your bets, betting slips are given out that states race and horse number.


As soon all the  monies are collected and counted your steward will inform the  punters how much is on the race and how much they will win if their  horse crosses the line first.  Its now time to run the race and with lots of encouragement  from the punters they are off. After  the race is finished the winners come and collect their winnings.